Certainty, Uncertainty And The Great Awakening
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I’m Feeling Flat

Last week opened with “I’m feeling great.” This week begins with “I’m feeling flat.” Not completely flat, but flatter than I have been for a little while. One of my most significant challenges is to ride energetic lows and the highs without beating myself up and feeling guilty for not being productive, inspired, and wasting time.

Sometimes we need the downtime to recharge to get up and go again.

As a result of embracing the low instead of fighting it, it is shifting after only one day, and I’m already on the up. Putting the “to-do’s” aside for a moment, shifting things around, being flexible and okay, helping you move forward.

For me, paying attention to energy and responding to it daily is a big help in getting through these tumultuous times. At the core of everything is energy.

The Great Awakening

I have spoken a bit about The Great Awakening and what is happening on Earth. If you’re feeling up and down, or you’re concerned about some of the current events in the world, a lot of this is because of energetic shifts in humanity, individuals and even within the planet. It’s important to understand the big picture and consider what is going on for you.

I have held back a little in sharing some of the concepts I know for myself. I’ve focused on communicating some of the basics and building the foundations. My upcoming book will cover many of these, so I’m doing my best to wrap this up and get it out to you! It’s time to shift up a gear and talk about some more complex and possibly confronting issues.

Because we are affected by it all, and we affect it all.

This week, I’ve created a video exploring what The Great Awakening is about.


We’re living in a time of potentially great uncertainty. While many are awakening, at the same time, there is much denial about the current reality and multiple possibilities for where humanity could collectively head. This came up in conversation with a good friend of mine this week and got me thinking.

When we sit in the space of uncertainty and not knowing it can leave us stuck and even frozen. We have a clear direction and focus when we are certain and sure.

With all the crazy in the world, how can we create more certainty for ourselves? How can we continue to move forward?

This week's article explores how certainty and uncertainty can impact the direction of your life and how you can take control.

At present, it’s super important to take every day one at a time. Consider where you are energetically at a personal level, what the world is doing and how you want to choose to respond to it.

Your life is the sum of every step you take. You are the only one who can make those decisions.

The choice is yours...
...Liz Watt
My most recent work...

Whether you experience certainty or uncertainty, both states will contribute to your reality. When you understand how to manage both certainty and uncertainty you can consciously start to take deliberate action to create experience of your choice.

What is the Great Awakening About?

Humanity is currently in the middle of The Great Awakening. There are significant changes and shifts are occurring on Earth and throughout humanity. But what is The Great Awakening about? It is really the awakening, or is it the apocalyptic end of the world?

Top 5 thoughts, tips and musings | What I am certain of...
MIND BODY HEART | I am certain that if I eat clean, nutritious, fresh food and water, my body will be healthy and energized.

SPIRITUALITY SELF + SOUL | I am certain there is an infinite, eternal life force greater than me, that has a divine plan and a reason for everything - even if I cannot see it yet.

CAREER + MONEY | I am certain that when you find your purpose and follow it with absolute faith, you will be rewarded for your efforts. If you waver in your conviction, it will stop the flow.

RELATIONSHIPS + SOCIETY | I am certain that the relationships I have are a reflection f who I am and a gift to show me where to work on myself.

CREATIVITY + PRODUCTIVITY | I am certain that when you commit to showing up for creativity and allow it to come through you, it eventually will.


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