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Don’t Miss This!!

You know, when you’ve been working on a project for ages, and finally, the last pieces are starting to fall into place. You’re whipping through that long list of bitsy to-do’s that you’ve been putting off but will make all the difference.
That’s been my week!!
I’m excited to be launching a new program, and I’m aiming for next Tuesday at this stage.

Make sure you keep your eye out because there’s bound to be something special for those who want to check it out first.
In the meantime, if you haven’t already, check out The Archetype Quiz because it’s the perfect first step and introduction to what’s coming next.

Not Another Personality Profile

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of different personality profiles, quizzes and analyses.
The problem is personality profiles can create yet another box for us to try to fit ourselves into.
They describe who we are, how we think, and what’s important to us.
They fit us into one of a handful of boxes that everyone is fit into.
Don't get me wrong, personality profiles serve a purpose, and they are a useful tool. I still refer to many of them today. But, it's important to remember they are just one tool.

Personality profiles are an outside-in approach.
Archetypes are an inside-out approach.


The Power Of Archetypes

When I discovered archetypes and my personal Archetype Mix, it changed everything.
Unlike so many personality profiles that helped me understand myself within certain boundaries, archetypes gave me a way to express and expand myself from the inside-out.

I am a Sage-Creator.
To me, the Sage represents wisdom, truth, curiosity and knowledge.
The Creator represents self-expression, imagination, freedom, uniqueness and exploration.

Together, the Sage-Creator expresses wisdom, truth and knowledge in unique, creative ways.
That’s one definition of Sage-Creator - my definition. And there are infinite variations.
Viewing myself and the world through the Sage-Creator's lens completely changed how I approach life. It allowed me to drop into who I truly am and let go of what I am not. It helped me structure my life, work, business and brand in a unique way that reflects and works for me.
Archetypes are the one tool I keep coming back to and revisiting in new ways.

So, I’ve decided to share the power of archetypes with you.
Next week, I’m launching my new program Essence, which explores the question “who are you”, and the power of your Archetype Mix.
In the meantime, you can check out The FREE Archetype Quiz now. This will give you a taste of this work, so you know what to expect.

…Liz Watt

PS… Make sure you hit reply and let me know your Major Archetype and your thoughts.


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